Now that all the dust has, literally and figuratively, settled we wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your contribution to another wonderfully successful cycle tour.
2024’s sani2bengen driven by BRiNK Towbars cycle tour will certainly go down as one of many extremes. To Mark Gutridge and BRiNK Towbars, we want to thank you for all you do for Benjamin Generation and all the support you always give to the LifeShare Trust cycle tours.
From being snowed in on Day 1, to a -2*C snowy start on Day 2, to a super fast Day 3, to a +30*C Day 4. We did it and as a consequence the children who go through the Benjamin Generation Pre-School will benefit from a sound education.
To the support team we extend our gratitude for all you did in the background to make this event happen - it could not have happened without you guys!
To the day angel helpers we also extend our gratitude for your support.
To all riders… you guys were amazing. Riding in all sorts of strange weather, enduring many hours in the saddle, and sharing stories over a hot mug of coffee, is what made the event all the more memorable.
To the many donors who showed their support, we are humbled by your generosity. Thank you for making this a successful event.
To God, our Heavenly Father, we want to give thanks for our safe passage from Himeville to New Hanover.
Rest well special friends.